The instrument will automatically reboot if the fault condition is no longer present. The output will
remain off after reboot until the operator reinstates the previous settings, either by the front panel
controls or a computer program. This behavior is consistent with safe operating procedures.
The following condition will force the output into a protection state and produce a power fail (PF)
status flag:
If the line voltage is less than 85% of the lowest nominal rating for more than one second.
The following condition will prevent the instrument from turning on:
If the line frequency is outside the range of 46.5 Hz to 63.5 Hz.
In case of an AC mains power failure, the unit will automatically disconnect from the line. This will
occur with the unit either sourcing or sinking current.
Delta and Wye Type AC Distribution Considerations
Keysight RPS models can operate with Y-type or delta-type three-phase AC distribution.
Configurations shown below are recommended for the 200/208 VAC units. When operating with Delta
configurations, the unit should be operated either in a permanently connected configuration or use an
AC input connector compliant with IEC 60309. If neither of the above is possible, a secondary
conductor in addition to the ground in the three-phase connection) must be used to connect the
instrument chassis to earth ground.
AC mains connections must be made by a qualified electrician who knows about 3-phase mains
circuits and all applicable safety standards and requirements.
Configurations for 200/208 VAC units
Do not connect the Neutral to the instrument.
Keysight RP7900 Series Operating and Service Guide
2 Installing the Instrument
This is a floating Delta-type.