5 SCPI Programming Reference
0 | 1 | 2
200 to 500,000 for RP795xA and RP796xA range 0, *RST 200
17,000 to 500,000 for RP795xA and RP796xA range 1, #RST 17,000
10 to 100,000 for RP793xA and RP794xA range 0, *RST 1,400
10 to 100,000 for RP793xA and RP794xA range 1, *RST 460
10 to 100,000 for RP793xA and RP794xA range 2, *RST 55
Sets the voltage bandwidth to 1, frequency 10 kHz: VOLT:BWID:LEV 1, 10,000
[SOURce:]VOLTage:BWIDth:RANGe 0 | 1 | 2
Sets the voltage compensation. This lets you optimize output response time with capacitive loads.
These compensation modes only apply when the unit is operating in constant voltage (CV), both in
voltage priority and in current priority (when in voltage limit). Refer to
information about the effect that the compensation settings have on the Programming Speed
RP795xA/ RP796xA Parameter
0 (Low speed)
1 (High speed)
RP793xA/ RP794xA Parameter
0 (High speed/Small capacitive load)
1 (Medium speed/Medium capacitive
2 (Slow speed/Large capacitive load)
0 | 1 | 2, *RST 0
Sets the voltage bandwidth to comp 1: VOLT:BWID:RANG 1
[SOURce:]VOLTage:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <value>|MIN|MAX
[SOURce:]VOLTage:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]? [MIN|MAX]
Sets the voltage limit when in current priority mode. Units are in volts.
0.1% to 102% of rating, *RST 1% of rating
Sets the voltage limit to 20 V: VOLT:LIM 20
Optimized for stability with a wide range of output capacitors.
Provides maximum up-programming speed as well as the fastest transient response
time when the output capacitance is restricted to small values. Refer to
put Bandwidth
for specific capacitive load limits.
Provides the fastest programming speed and transient response time
Provides intermediate programming speed and transient response time. setting is optim-
ized for stability with a wide range of output capacitors.
Best suited for DUTs with high capacitance/low ESR with the trade-off of a slower pro-
gramming speed and transient response
Typical Return
0, 1, or 2
<pole frequency>
Set the Output Bandwidth
Typical Return
0, 1, or 2
Typical Return
<voltage limit>
Keysight RP7900 Series Operating and Service Guide
Set the Out-