Close tight function
Factory setting:
The closed tight function ensures that the valve is tightly closed outside the control range. Specification of a value (%) from which
the actuator air is completely exhausted or supplied with air. With the fast pressurizing/venting version, two valves are driven
in each case in order to completely vent and pressurize more rapidly. The opening or resumption of the control operation
takes place with a hysteresis of 1% (refer to Fig. 6.9).
Fig. 6.9: Closed tight function
Direction of command of the setpoint of the actuator
Factory setting:
With this additional function, the direction of action according to setpoint of the actuator and the input signal (Fig. 6.10).
Top Control Continuous
= 1 %;
= 99%
Exhaust aired (0 % inactive)
Range: 0.0 ... 10.0 % for complete exhausting
Filled with air (100 % inactive)
90.0 ... 100 % for complete air supply
Plug travel
Programmable from 0,0 to 25,0 %
Programmable from 75,0 to 100,0 %
Rise direction
4 mA bzw. 0 V → 0%
20 mA bzw. 5/10 V → 100%)
Fall direction
4 mA bzw. 0 V → 100%
20 mA bzw. 5/10 V → 0%)
Setpoint [%]