In machines where the adjustable discharge A of
figure 15c is also present on the rear side of the
body, it is possible to remove the wheel possibly
present on the machine by proceeding as follows:
- Close the adjustable drain A (fig. 15c);
- Blow compressed air on the fitting B in the
figure 15c
- restore the correct functioning of the wheel locking
device by returning the adjustable
outlet A in the above conditions to closing.
Before starting a balancing operation, the following steps must be followed:
- fit the wheel on the hub using the most suitable flange;
- lock the wheel so that no movement is possible during the wheel spin and braking phases;
- remove any counterweight, pebble, dirt or other foreign body;
- set the wheel's geometric data correctly.
At start-up, by default, the wheel balancer executes the dynamic programme (dyn) which
uses clip weights on both sides.
The various balancing programmes can be recalled by simply selecting the keys
that represent the type of weight according to the rim and professional experi-
ence, both for the inner side as well as for the outer side.
The following balancing programmes are available:
Operator's Manual EM 9350 - EM 9350 C XLine