Maintenance, repair and modification
S The measurement module is maintenance-free.
S The measurement module, including the measure
ment cable and the safety connector, must not be
changed or modified in any way.
S Only trained and qualified personnel who are autho
rized to do so by HBM are allowed to open the
MX403B. Before opening the measurement module,
the feeding QuantumX module must be switched off
and the MX403B disconnected from all circuits. Oper
ation when open is not allowed. Once the device has
been opened, it must be professionally inspected in
accordance with EN 61010-1 Annex F, before starting
it up again.
S The measurement module is delivered from the fac
tory with a fixed hardware and software configuration.
Changes can only be made within the possibilities
documented in the manuals.
S The measurement module must not be modified from
the design or safety engineering point of view except
with our express agreement. In particular, any repair
or soldering work on motherboards (exchanging com
ponents) is prohibited. When exchanging complete
modules, use only original parts from HBM.
If the measurement module is opened, modified or inex
pertly repaired, the protection provided by the measure
ment module may be impaired.
A3757-2.2 HBM: public