S The measurement module and devices used in auto
mation must be covered over in such a way that ade
quate protection or locking against unintentional actu
ation is provided (e.g. access checks, password
protection, etc.).
S For those measurement modules operating in net
works, safety precautions must be taken in terms of
both hardware and software, so that a line break or
other interruptions to signal transmission do not cause
undefined states or loss of data in the automation
S After making settings and carrying out activities that
are password-protected, ensure that any controls that
may be connected remain in a safe condition until the
switching performance of the measurement module
has been tested.
S The maximum cable length must not exceed 30 m.
It is not acceptable to run cables through outdoor
S Measurement signals can only be applied to the
MX403B once it has been connected to a QuantumX
application (such as the QuantumX Assistant).
Voltages with no energy limit that exceed one of the fol
lowing values are rated as dangerous according to EN
1. AC voltage, 33 V rms value
2. AC voltage, 46 V peak value
3. DC voltage, 70 V
A3757-2.2 HBM: public