Utilisation des communicateurs 275 & 375
|------ Calibration
|------ Sensor Zero
|------ Standardize Amperometric Sensor
|------ Standardize Temperature
|------ Oxygen Air Cal
|------ Standardize pH
|------ pH Buffer Cal
|------ Configuration
|------ Change PV Type
|------ Prim Val Type
|------ Config Flags
|------ Main Sensor
|------ Prim Val Type
|------ Primary Value Unit
|------ Sensor Type Oxygen
|------ Input filter
|------ Salinity
|------ Bar Pressure
|------ Bar Pressure Unit
|------ Process pressure enable
|------ Percent Saturation Pressure
|------ Zero Current
|------ Sensitivity
|------ 2nd Sensitivity
|------ Chlorine Calibration Ranges
|------ Stabilize Time
|------ Stabilize Value
|------ Temperature Compensation
|------ Temperature Unit
|------ PV temp comp
|------ Sensor temp manual
|------ Temp Sensor Ohms
|------ Sensor type temp
|------ pH Compensation
|------ pH Compensation Mode
|------ Manual pH Value
|------ pH Calibration
|------ pH Diagnostics
|------ Reset transducer/Load factory defaults
|------ Identification
|------ TB Device Rev
|------ Software version
|------ LOI config code
|------ LOI calibration code
|------ Final assembly number
Page 98
|------ pH Slope
|------ pH Zero Offset
|------ Buffer Standard
|------ Stabilize Value of pH
|------ Stabilize Time of pH
|------ pH Input Voltage
|------ pH Glass Impedance
|------ Diag. Fault Setpoints (Enable/Disable)
|------ Glass Z Fault High Setpoint
|------ Glass Z Fault Low Setpoint
|------ Zero Offset Error Limit
Figure 77. Blocs fonctionnels Xmt-A-FF (3/22)