• No particular maintenance of the stopfor is required. Cleaning
with soapy water is, however, recommended.
• Annual servicing and repairs are carried out by TRACTEL, or by
an authorised repair company.
Warnings against hazardous operations
It is forbidden:
• to use the stopfor out of a fall arrest system context;
• to use the stopfor to suspend the user or any other load;
• to link up several persons to the same stopfor;
• to place several B, K, S, A, P or AP stopfor on the same anchor
• to use the B, K, S, A, P or AP stopfor on an anchor line where
the angle with the vertical is more than 30°;
• to turn the part of the anchor line on which the stopfor is enga-
ged upside down;
• to use a device that has stopped a fall, without having had such
device checked and tried after fall by the manufacturer or a
repair company authorised by him;
• to use anchor lines, lanyards and components other than those
compatible with each stopfor model, in accordance with that
indicated in this instructions manual;
• to use the anchor line for any other use than that of the appro-
priate stopfor model, including with another type of anti-fall devi-
• to use a lanyard, which is longer than 0.3 m for the stopfor K, B
and P, 0.6 m for the stopfor A and AP, and 0.9 m for the stopfor
• to use an anchor line or a lanyard showing defects, knots or visi-
ble signs of damage;
• to use a device for more than twelve months without having had
it checked by the manufacturer or a repair company authorised
by him.
Permissible attachments
The B, K, S, P, A or AP stopfor is a component of a vertical fall
arrest safety system which should conform to the EN 363 stan-
dard and should include, from top to bottom:
• 1) an anchoring device conforming to the EN 795 standard;
• 2) a first connector conforming to the EN 362 standard;
• 3) an anchor rope (flexible anchor line) conforming to the EN
353-2 standard;
• 4) the stopfor, guided-type fall arrester with an automatic bloc-
king system, conforming to the EN 353-2 standard;
• 5) a second connector conforming to the EN 362 standard;
• 6) a fall arrest harness satisfying the requirements of standard
EN 361 (chest or back tie-up point).
All other associations are forbidden.
An EN 361 fall arrester harness is the only body-gripping
device authorised for use in a fall prevention system.
It is advisable to use the front fastening of the harness.
In accordance with European specifications, each of the compo-
nents attached together, numbered from 1) to 6) above, marke-
ted by Tractel, has received CE marking, as a result of an EC
type-examination, and has been subject to production quality
Conformity of the equipment
Tractel S.A.S. RN 19-Saint Hilaire sous Romilly-F- 10102
Romilly-sur-Seine France hereby declares that the safety equip-
ment described in this manual
• complies with the requirements of European Directive
89/686/EEC of December 1989
• is identical to the PPE which was the subject of type-examina-
tion certificates issued by Apave SUDEUROPE "CE0082",
B.P.193, F-13322 Marseille cedex 16, and tested in accordance
with the EN 353-2 standard;
• is subject to the procedure provided for in Art. 11B of the
89/686/EEC Directive, under the control of a notified body: TUV
Rheinland Product Safety GmbH, Am Grauen Stein, D-51105
Any company assigning personal fall protection equipment to an
employee or similar person must apply the health and safety at
work regulations.
Within the European Union, these devices must be checked per-
iodically in accordance with the 89/656/EEC Directive dated
30/11/89 (i.e. at least once a year, by TRACTEL S.A.S or by a
TRACTEL S.A.S. authorised repair company).
The annual inspection will enable the expiry date to be extended
by one year, up to a maximum of 10 years.
The marking on each product indicates:
a. the trade mark: Tractel;
b. the designation of the product: e.g. stopfor S;
c. the referenced standard: number and year of the norm (see
table p.59). If the year for EN 353-2 is not indicated on the
device, it concerns EN 353-2 (1993);
d. the reference of the product code: Group code – the "EC"
marking designates that the equipment complies with the
requirements of the 89/686/EEC PPE Directive. "0197" indi-
cates the number of the notified body under Article 11;
the date of manufacture;
g. the serial number;
h. a pictogram indicating that it is necessary to read the instruc-
tion manual before use;
an arrow indicating the position for use;
k. the location of the anchor line;
m. the type of anchor line to be exclusively used:
: halyard
: strandd rope
n : diameter of belay support to be used.