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6. Main te nance Honda-en gine

En gine oil level

Check, re fill
Dan ger of burns.
There is a dan ger of burns when work ing on a hot
en gine.
Wear safety gloves.
Dan ger of in jury.
Pro longed con tact with en gine oil can lead to ir ri ta -
tion of the skin.
Wear safety gloves.
If there is con tact with the skin, thor oughly wash
the af fected ar eas of the skin with soap and wa -
En vi ron men tal haz ard through op er at ing ma te ri -
Col lect used oil and dis pose of it in an en vi ron men -
tally sound way.
Do not let oil seep into the ground or sewer.
Re place de fec tive seals im me di ately.
Dan ger of later en gine dam age.
Op er at ing the en gine with an oil level be low the
min. mark or above the max. mark can lead to en -
gine dam age.
When check ing the oil level, the en gine must be
hor i zon tal and have been switched off for a few
min utes.
Stand the ma chine hor i zon tally.
Stop the en gine.
Re move the oil filler cap/dip stick (1) and wipe it clean.
In sert the oil filler cap/dip stick into the oil filler neck as shown,
but do not screw it in, then re move it to check the oil level.
If the oil level is near or be low the lower limitmark on the dip -
stick, fill with the rec om mended oil to the up per limit mark (bot -
tom edge of the oil fill hole). Do not over fill.
Re in stall the oil filler cap/dip stick.


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Apr 2620Apr 3020Apr 352010985720-11003014-11003032-

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