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Fuel qual ity

The en gine is cer ti fied to op er ate on un leaded gas o line with a re -
search oc tane rat ing of 91 or higher (pump oc tane rat ing of 86 or
You may use un leaded gas o line con tain ing no more than 10%
eth a nol (E10) or 5% meth a nol by vol ume.
In ad di tion, meth a nol must con tain cosolvents and cor ro sion in -
hib i tors.
Use of fu els with con tent of eth a nol or meth a nol greater than
shown above may cause start ing and/or per for mance prob lems.
It may also dam age metal, rub ber, and plas tic parts of the fuel
sys tem.
En gine dam age or per for mance prob lems that re sult from us ing
a fuel with per cent ages of eth a nol or meth a nol greater than
shown above are not cov ered un der the War ranty.
Fuel ca pac i ties
Ma chine
En gine
APR 2220
Hon da GX120UT2
APR 3020
Hon da GX270UT2
APR 3520
Hon da GX270UT2
[Li ter]
[US gal]
6. Main te nance Honda-en gine
Fill ing-up with fuel
Be ware of en gine dam age.
Us ing poor-qual ity or con tam i nated fuel can cause en -
gine dam age.
Use only fuel that meets the des ig nated spec i fi ca -
Never use stale or con tam i nated petrol or an
oil/petrol mix ture.
En sure that nei ther dirt or wa ter gets into the fuel
Park the ma chine on an even, level sur face.
Stop the en gine.
Clean around the fuel filler socket.
Open the fuel filler socket and vi su ally check the fuel level. Re -
fill the tank if the fuel level is low.
Add fuel to the bottomof the maximumfuel level limit of the fuel
tank. Do not over fill. Use un leaded au to mo tive gas o line only.
Wipe up spilled fuel be fore start ing the en gine.
Close the tank tightly.


Table des Matières

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Apr 2620Apr 3020Apr 352010985720-11003014-11003032-

Table des Matières