3. Op er a tion
En gine op er a tion – Hatz
Death haz ard from ex haust in ha la tion.
In closed or poorly ven ti lated spaces, poi son ous en -
gine ex haust can cause un con scious ness or even
Never op er ate the de vice in closed or poorly ven ti -
lated rooms.
Do not in hale ex haust.
In jury haz ard from dam age or de fects to the de -
Never op er ate the de vice if dam age has been lo -
cated and iden ti fied.
Re place de fec tive com po nents.
In jury haz ard from de fec tive starter rope.
A worn starter rope can tear and cause in ju ries.
Be fore use, check the starter rope for abra sion
points, and re place it if nec es sary.
Us ing starter sprays can cause in jury and en -
gine dam age.
There is a risk of in jury dur ing man ual start-up, be -
cause starter sprays can cause un con trolled com -
bus tion.
En gine dam age from un con trolled com bus tion.
Never use starter sprays.
If the ex haust smokes white af ter sev eral un suc -
cess ful start at tempts:
Set the RPM le ver to «MIN» po si tion.
Slowly pull the starter rope 5 times.
Re peat the start ing pro cess.
Low-load op er a tion can cause en gine dam age.
Op er a tion for an ex tended time with no load or a
very small load can af fect the en gine's run ning be -
hav iour.
Make sure the en gine load is at least 15%.
Af ter low-load op er a tion, and be fore shut ting off,
con tinue run ning the en gine at a con sid er ably
higher load for a short time.
Start ing the En gine – Man ual start
Set the en gine speed le ver (1) to full load (MAX).
Slowly pull out han dle (2) with rope, un til de tect able re sis tance
can be felt (I.).
Al low the rope to run back in, to en able you to uti lise the whole
length of rope for the start ing pro ce dure (II.).