7.5 Ex ci ter: Oil level / Oil change
Work ing on the ex citer may cause a burn ing haz -
ard from hot oil.
Wear safety equip ment (gloves).
Slowly, ca re ful ly open the oil drai na ge screw to
re lea se pres su re.
En vi ron men tal haz ard through op er at ing ma te ri -
Col lect dis charg ing oil and dis pose of in an en -
vi ron men tally friendly man ner.
Do no al low it to en ter the ground wa ter, wa ter
bod ies, or sew age sys tem.
Oil changes should be car ried out with the gear oil
Loose oil drain plug (1) and un screw.
The oil level must reach to the lower edge of the thread (min.).
Screw in oil drain plug (1).
7. Main te nance ma chine
Oil change
Loose oil drain plug (1) and un screw.
Drain old oil.
Fill new gear oil.
Screw in oil drain plug (1).
Oil ca pac ity and qual ity: see lu bri ca tion sched ule.