7. Main te nance Hatz-en gine
Air fil ter
Risk of in jury.
When work ing with com pressed air, for eign bod ies
can go into the eyes.
Wear safety spec ta cles
Never point the jet of com pressed air at a per son or
one self.
Re place the fil ter el e ment:
– In the case of dam age in the ar eas of the seal ing
sur face, fil ter pa per or fil ter car tridge.
– if sooty de pos its are pres ent
– if moist or oily de pos its are pres ent
– if mo tor per for mance re duces or
– if the ex haust gas changes col our
– min i mum once a year
Never op er ate the mo tor with out air fil ter el e ment.
The pres sure must not ex ceed 5 bar (500 kPa /
72.52 psi).
Check ing, clean ing
Re move cover (1).
Care fully re move fil ter el e ment (2).