Elec tri cal start
Start for no more than 30 se conds. If the en gi ne still
do esn't run, turn the igni ti on key to «0» po si ti on and
fix the cau se.
The igni ti on key must au to ma ti cal ly spring back to
po si ti on «I» and stay in this po si ti on du ring ope ra ti -
The load con trol and oil pres su re light must go out
im me di ate ly af ter start.
Be fo re each res tart, turn the igni ti on key back to
Set the en gine speed le ver (1) to full load (MAX).
In sert the ig ni tion key (1) and turn to «I»; charg ing in di ca tor
lamp (4) and oil pres sure lamp (5) must light.
Turn ig ni tion key «II»; as soon as the en gine starts, re lease
the ig ni tion key.
Spe cial equip ment APR 3020 / 3520
If the en gine starts
In di ca tor lamp (3) lights to show that the en gine is op er at ing.
Set the en gine speed le ver (1) to idle (MIN).
Al low the en gine to run for 1-2 min utes in or der to warm up.
3. Op er a tion