In Take Area; Wa Ter Se Pa Ra Tor - Ammann APR 2220 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi Original

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In take area

Check ing
Dan ger of burns.
There is a dan ger of burns when work ing on a hot mo -
Let the mo tor cool.
Wear safety gloves.
In case of heavy con tam i na tion, shorten the main te -
nance in ter vals ac cord ingly.
Check the air in take open ing (1) for coarse con tam i na tion
such as leaves, heavy dust de pos its, etc..
Clean if nec es sary.
7. Main te nance Hatz-en gine
Wa ter sep a ra tor
Check ing
Dan ger of en vi ron men tal dam age from spilled
When wa ter is drained from the wa ter sep a ra tor, a
small amount of fuel is drained as well.
Col lect any es caped wa ter/fuel mix ture and dis pose
of it ac cord ing to lo cal en vi ron men tal reg u la tions.
Check the wa ter trap on its wa ter con tent ev ery day, when the
mo tor oil level is checked.
Check the win dow (1) for wa ter con tent.
Col lected wa ter can be clearly iden ti fied by the no tice able
sep a rat ing line be tween the wa ter and the die sel fuel above it.
Place a suit able con tainer un der the drain screw (2).
NOTE: In in ac ces si ble lo ca tions, an ex ten sion hose can be
mounted on the drain screw (2).
Open the drain screw (2) and drain the wa ter into the con -
When fuel emerges, close the drain screw.
Dis pose of the wa ter-fuel mix ture in an en vi ron men tally com -
pat i ble man ner.


Table des Matières

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Apr 2620Apr 3020Apr 352010985720-11003014-11003032-

Table des Matières