Ammann APR 2220 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi Original page 57

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Printed in Ger many Ref.-No. 2-00002021A 08/2018 AVD
These in struc tions in clude:
Safety reg u la tions
Op er at ing in struc tions
Main te nance in struc tions
These in struc tions have been pre pared for op er a tion on the
con struc tion site and for the main te nance en gi neer.
These in struc tions are in tended to sim plify op er a tion of the ma -
chine and to avoid mal func tions through im proper op er a tion.
Ob serv ing the main te nance in struc tions will in crease the re li abil -
ity and ser vice life of the ma chine when used on the con struc tion
site and re duce re pair costs and downtimes.
Al ways keep these in struc tions at the place of use of the ma -
Only op er ate the ma chine as in structed and fol low these in -
struc tions.
Do not fail to com ply with the safety pro vi sions, as well as
the rules for safety and health pro tec tion at work («BGR 118 -
Deal ing with mov ing road con struc tion ma chin ery») of the
Ger man fed er a tion of in sti tu tions for stat u tory ac ci dent in -
sur ance and pre ven tion (HVBG), as well as the ap pli ca ble ac -
ci dent pre ven tion reg u la tions.
Also ob serve the cor re spond ing rules and reg u la tions valid
in your coun try.
Ammann Verdichtung GmbH is not li a ble for the func tion of the
ma chine when used in an im proper man ner and for other than the
in tended pur pose.
Op er at ing er rors, im proper main te nance and the use of in cor rect
op er at ing ma te ri als are not cov ered by the war ranty.
The above in for ma tion does not ex tend the war ranty and li a bil ity
con di tions of busi ness of Ammann Verdichtung GmbH.
We re ser ve us the right to take chan gings due to tech ni cal de ve -
lop ment wit hout an noun ce ment.
Please en ter
(data on ma chine type plate)
1. Mach.-type: ______________________________
2. Mach.-No.:_______________________________
3. En gine-type: _____________________________
4. En gine-No.: ______________________________
Ammann Verdichtung GmbH
Josef-Dietzgen-Straße 36 • 53773 Hennef • GERMANY
Tel.: +49 2242 8802-0 • FAX: +49 2242 8802-59
Fo re word


Table des Matières

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Apr 2620Apr 3020Apr 352010985720-11003014-11003032-

Table des Matières