3. Ope ra ti on
3.3 En gine op er a tion
Starting the engine
Do not use the choke (1) if the en gine is hot or the out -
door tem per a ture is high. If the en gine does n't start at
op er at ing tem per a ture, close the choke be fore start -
Set the choke le ver (1) to «CLOSE».
Press the pri ming bulb (2) re pea ted ly un til fu el can be seen in
the cle ar-plas tic fu el-re turn tu be (3).
Set the ac cel er a tor (4) to «MIN».
If the en gine does n't start, set the ac cel er a tor le ver
about 1/3 of the way to «MAX».
Turn the en gi ne switch (5) to the «ON» po si ti on.