5. Main ten an ce
5.5 En gine main te nance
These op er at ing in struc tions only con tain in for ma tion on
daily en gine maitenance work. Ob serve the en gine op er at -
ing in struc tions and the notes on main te nance and in ter vals
con tained in the same.
5.5.1 Refil ling fuel
Only top-up by sta tion ary en gine.
No open fire.
Do not smoke.
Do not fill-up in closed rooms.
Do not in hale petrol fumes.
Col lect spilt fuel in a suit able con tainer and pre -
vent spill age en ter ing the soil.
Stop the en gine.
Clean around the fuel filler socket.
Open the fuel filler socket and vi su ally check the fuel level. Re -
fill the tank if the fuel level is low.
Never use stale or con tam i nated gas o line or an
oil/gas o line mix ture. Avoid get ting dirt or wa ter in the
fuel tank.
Add fuel to the bottomof the maximumfuel level limit of the fuel
tank. Do not over fill. Use un leaded au to mo tive gas o line only.
Wipe up spilled fuel be fore start ing the en gine..
Close the tank tightly.
5.5.2 Check ing the en gine oil level
Im me di ately re place dam aged seals.
Col lect old oil and dis pose of it in an en vi ron ment
friendly man ner.
Do not per mit oil to run onto the floor into the
Stand the ma chine hor i zon tally.
Stop the en gine.
Re move the oil filler cap/dip stick (1) and wipe it clean.
In sert the oil filler cap/dip stick (1) into the oil filler neck as
shown, but do not screw it in, then re move it to check the oil
If the oil level is near or be low the lower limitmark on the dip -
stick, fill with the rec om mended oil to the up per limit mark (bot -
tom edge of the oil fill hole). Do not over fill.
Re in stall the oil filler cap/dip stick (1).