Trou Bles Hoo Ting - Ammann APR 2220 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi Original

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10.0.1 Ge ne ral in for ma ti on
Ob serve the safety in for ma tion
Only qual i fied and authorised per sons may carry out re -
pair work (me chan ics spe cial is ing in con struc tion and
ag ri cul tural ma chin ery).
In case of faults, the op er at ing and main te nance in struc -
tions must be re ferred to for cor rect op er a tion and main -
te nance.
9.0.2 Fault tab le
Pos si ble cause
En gine does not start
Speed con trol le ver in «STOP»-po si tion
No fuel
Tank run dry
Fuel fil ter blocked
Fuel valve «OFF»
De fec tive feed pump
Oil pres sure lost
Com pres sion too low
En gine switch «OFF»
Choke «OPEN»
Spark plug faulty, fouled or im prop erly
gap ped
Spark plug wet with fuel (flooded en gine)
En gine stops by it self dur ing reg u lar op er a tion
Fuel sup ply is in ter rupted
Tank run dry
Fuel fil ter blocked
De fec tive feed pump
Oil pres sure lost
Me chan i cal de fects
Re duced en gine per for mance
Fuel sup ply is ob structed
Tank run dry
Fuel fil ter blocked
Tank vent ing is in ad e quate
Leaks at pipes un ions
Air cleaner blocked
In cor rect valve clear ance
Too much oil in en gine
Too much oil in ex citer
De fault in hy drau lic sys tem
En gine runs, ma chine does not move for ward
In suf fi cient V-belt ten sion
V-belt bro ken
Cen trif u gal clutch lin ing worn
Too much oil in ex citer
De fault in hy drau lic sys tem
Rem edy
Set le ver to «START»-po si tion
Add fuel
Re new fuel fil ter
Move le ver to «ON» po si tion
Func tion must be checked
Check en gine oil level
Con tact a Ammann-ser vice sta tion
Turn en gine switch to «ON» po si tion
Move le ver to «CLOSE» po si tion
Gap or re place spark plug
Dry and re in stall spark plug
Add fuel
Re new fuel fil ter
Func tion must be checked
Check en gine oil level
Con tact a Ammann-ser vice sta tion
Add fuel
Re new fuel fil ter
En sure that tank is ad e quately vented
Check threaded pipe un ions
Re move dirt from air cleaner
Ad just valve clear ance
Cor rect the en gine oil level
Check ex citer oil level
Con tact a Ammann-ser vice sta tion
Re ten tion V-belt
Re place V-belt
Re place lin ings and springs
Check ex citer oil level
Con tact a Ammann-ser vice sta tion
10. Trou ble shoot ing
If the cause of the fault can not be lo cated or rem e died, an
authorised Ammann Ser vice Cen tre should be con tacted.
Al ways first check the most likely causes (fuses, LEDs,
Re marks
HONDA (Un less the en gine is warm)
HONDA (Start en gine with throt tle le ver in «MAX» po si tion)


Table des Matières

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Apr 2620Apr 3020Apr 352010985720-11003014-11003032-

Table des Matières