9. Bat te ry
Char ging the bat te ry
If you are un sure of how to charge the bat tery, have
it charged by a pro fes sional.
Reg u lated charge char ac ter is tics (IU or WU curve)
are rec om mended for closed bat ter ies ow ing to
their func tional prin ci ple.
If the charger curve is un known, it can be as sumed
that charg ing will be un reg u lated, i.e. volt age mon i -
tor ing via a Volt me ter and man ual dis con nec tion at
14.4 Volt are re quired.
The nom i nal charger cur rent should be 1/10 of the
nom i nal ca pac ity in Am pere.
When charg ing, con nect the bat tery to the charger
be fore switch ing on the charger.
En sure suf fi cient ven ti la tion when charg ing in
closed ar eas.
Char ging with a ge ner ator – e.g. in a vehicle's wi ring sys tem –
and char ging as in di ca ted in Tab le 2 are to be re com men ded
due to their vol ta ge control.
Char ging with char gers as per Tab le 1 re qui res the char ging
vol ta ge to be mo ni to red as well as ma nu al dis con nec ti on if li -
mit va lu es are exceeded.
Ob ser ve the in struc tions supp lied by the char ger ma nu fac tu -
Tab le 1
Un re gu la ted char gers with ma nu al con trol (ac cep tab le)
Cur ve
Ap pli ca ti on
Vol ta ge clam ping
(ma nu al con trol!)
In di vi du al char ge
max. 14,4 Volt
1)Char gers with au to ma tic vol ta ge dis con nec ti on via time
switch or tem pe ra tu re monitoring.
Tab le 2:
Re gu la ted chargers wit hout ad di tio nal con trol (re com men -
In di vi du al/Group
Gui de va lu es for char ging pe ri od with re gu la ted char gers to
dis con nec ti on are in di ca ted in Table 3.
Open-cir cuit vol ta ge1)
Char ging sta tus
Char ging pe ri od at no mi nal char ger cur rent
0,1 x no mi nal bat te ry ca pa ci ty (Am pe re)
1)Open-cir cuit vol ta ge does not re ach a cons tant va lue for
some hours; the re fo re it should not be mea su red di rect ly fol lo -
wing char ging or disch ar ging. In this case, it is ne ces sa ry to
wait for approx. 2 hours.