7. Engine maintenance
7.1.4 Checking Cooling air-/combustion air-intake
Check in ta ke ope ning for com bus ti on air and coo ling air in ta kes.
Re mo ve co ar se ostruc tions such as lea ves, sto nes and earth.
7.2 Check the engine oil level
Im me di ate ly re pla ce da ma ged se als.
Col lect old oil and dis pose of it in an en vi ron ment
friendly man ner.
Do not per mit oil to run onto the floor into the
Stand the ma chi ne ho ri zon tal ly.
Cle an the area around the dip stick (5).
With draw the dip stick (5) and wipe with a cle an, fi bre free
To check the oil, screw the dipstick back in and then re mo ve it
Check the dip stick oil le vel and, if ne ces sa ry, add oil to the
«max» mark.