3. Op er a tion
Stop ping the en gine (E-start)
In jury haz ard from un au tho rized ac cess.
There is a risk of in jury if un au tho rized peo ple tam per
with the de vice.
Dur ing breaks from op er a tion or af ter work is done,
the ig ni tion key must be pro tected from un au tho -
rized ac cess.
Set the en gine speed le ver (1) to idle (MIN).
Al low the en gine to run for 1-2 min utes.
APR 3020
Press en gine stop but ton (6), un til the en gine stops
run ning.
Re lease the stop but ton (stop but ton must re turn to its
ini tial po si tion).
Charg ing in di ca tor (4) and oil pres sure in di ca tor (5) lights
Turn ig ni tion key to «0» and re move.