Table des Matières


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8. Main te nance ma chine
Fill ing and bleed ing the cir cuit
Re lease lock ing screw (1).
Set throt tle le ver (2) to «V».
Pour in hy drau lic fluid whilst con tin u ally chang ing the throt tle
le ver po si tion. To en sure cor rect bleed ing, from time place the
shaft ver ti cally.
Stop fill ing when
a dis tinct «click ing»-noise is heard in the ex citer whilst
shift ing the le ver
you no lon ger feel a cush ion of air when mov ing the
throt tle le ver.
When fill ing, the cir cuit path is short ened.
To check oil level, start en gine and bring up to op er at ing
Move throt tle le ver sev eral times back wards and for wards be -
tween «V» and «R».
The cor rect oil level should be some where in the area shown
(See Illus.); at this point the throt tle le ver must be in the «V»
po si tion.
If the level is too low, top up with hy drau lic fluid; if too high,
drain off ex cess fluid.
With the ma chine run ning and the throt tle le ver in the «V» po -
si tion, close lock ing screw (1).
Hy drau lic hose lines
Ammann Ar ti cle No.
Man u fac turer/Month and year of man u fac ture
Max. op er at ing pres sure
The func tion of hy drau lic hose lines must be tested at reg u lar in -
ter vals (min i mum once a year) by an ex pert (with a knowl edge of
hy drau lics).
Hose lines must im me di ately be re placed in the fol low ing in -
Dam age to the outer layer to the in ner lin ing (abra sion marks,
cracks, cuts, etc.).
Brit tle ness of the outer layer (crack ing of hose cov er ing).
Un nat u ral de for ma tions of the hose line. This ap plies to both a
pressureless and pres sur ised con di tion (e.g. layer sep a ra tion,
blis ter for ma tion, crushed ar eas, kinks).
Dam age or de for ma tion of hose fit tings (im paired seal ing
func tion).
Hose slips out of the fit ting.
Cor ro sion of fit ting (de grad ing of func tion and strength).
Im proper in stal la tion.
Use be yond the ex piry date of max. 6 years.


Table des Matières

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Apr 2620Apr 3020Apr 352010985720-11003014-11003032-

Table des Matières