3. Op er a tion
En gine op er a tion – Honda
Death haz ard from ex haust in ha la tion.
In closed or poorly ven ti lated spaces, poi son ous en -
gine ex haust can cause un con scious ness or even
Never op er ate the de vice in closed or poorly ven ti -
lated rooms.
Do not in hale ex haust.
Do not ac ti vate the choke when the en gine is warm.
If the en gine does n't start, set the gas le ver about a
third of the way to «MAX».
Do not let the starter grip snap back against the en -
gine. Guide it back slowly so that the starter does n't
get dam aged.
In emer gen cies, turn the en gine switch to «OFF» to
shut off the en gine.
Start ing the En gine
Move the fuel valve le ver (2) to the «ON» po si tion.
Move the choke le ver (3) to the «CLOSE» po si tion.