3. Op er a tion
Op er a tion
Death haz ard from tilt ing or slid ing the ma chine.
Slip pery ma te rial, un sta ble edges and smooth sur -
faces can cause the ma chine to tip over or skid. This
can cause se vere in jury or death.
Nav i gate slopes care fully, and al ways drive up ward
in a straight di rec tion.
Drive up steep slopes back wards to keep from tip -
ping the ma chine.
At ditch edges and ter races, and in front of ob sta -
cles, guide the ma chine so that the ma chine op er a -
tor can not be in jured by fall ing or crush ing.
When driv ing the ma chine back wards, guide the
ma chine side ways to pre vent the ma chine op er a tor
from be ing crushed.
Keep ad e quate dis tance from trench edges and
em bank ments.
Re frain from any work method that im pairs the ma -
chine's sta bil ity.
Do not drive on hard con crete, hard ened bi tu men
sur faces, or ground that is frozen solid or does not
have ad e quate load ca pac ity.
Haz ard from cou pling dam age.
Op er ate the ma chine only at full throt tle.
Dur ing short breaks, set the idle RPM.
Be ware of ma te rial dam age.
When com pact ing in ter lock ing pav ing stones, it is
rec om mended that wear-pro tec tion plates (op -
tional equip ment) be used to pre vent dam age to
the ma chine and com pac tion ma te ri als.
Set the en gine speed le ver (2) to full load (MAX).
The proper po si tion for the op er a tor is be hind the ma chine.
Con trol and steer the ma chine us ing the tow bar grip (1).
Set the travel di rec tion and speed with the travel le ver (1).