Bat Te Ry; Storage And Transport - Ammann APH 5020 Traduction Du Mode D'emploi Original

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7. Bat te ry

The instructions on the battery and in
Wear eye protection during all operations.
Keep children away from acid, batteries,
and chargers.
Explosion hazard :
While charging batteries, a highly
explosive oxyhydrogen mixture
develops, therefore:
7.0.1 Stor age and trans port
• Un filled bat ter ies do not re quire any main te nance.
• Al ways store wet charged bat ter ies in a cool place (but not in a
re frig er a tor or freezer).
• Reg u larly check the state of charge or use charge main tain ing
de vices.
• Re charge wet charged bat ter ies at an acid den sity of 1.21 kg/l
or 12.3 V open cir cuit volt age or af ter re quest for charge by the
op ti cal state of charge in di ca tor at the lat est (see point 7.0.4 ).
• Wet charged bat ter ies are to be trans ported and stored up -
right, pro tected against tip ping over, and pro tected against
short-cir cuit, since acid may es cape oth er wise.
7.0.2 Com mis sion ing
• Re gard safety reg u la tions.
• Wet charged de liv ered bat ter ies are ready for use. Only in stall
suf fi ciently charged bat ter ies, min i mum 12.50 V open cir cuit
volt age.
• Re move seal ing plugs. Fill the in di vid ual cells of the bat tery
with sulphuric acid ac cord ing to DIN IEC60933-1 of den sity
1.28 kg/l up to the max i mum acid level.
• Al low bat tery to stand for 15 min utes, tilt slightly sev eral times,
and re fill acid if nec es sary.
• Tightly screw in or press in the seal ing plugs.
• Wipe off any acid splashes.
• In case the bat tery does not show a suf fi cient start ing per for -
mance due to too low tem per a ture or un fa vour able stor age
con di tions, the bat tery needs to be re charged (see point
Fire, sparks, open light, and smoking
Avoid spark creation when operating
with cables and electric devices!
Avoid short-circuits!
Avoid electro-static discharges.
Corrosive hazard
Battery acid is highly corrosive, therefore:
Wear protective gloves and eye
protection during all operations on the
Do not tilt battery, acid may leak from
the degassing openings.
First aid
Rinse out acid splashed in the eyes
immediately for several minutes with
clear water. Then consult a doctor
Neutralize acid splashes on skin or
clothing immediately with acid
neutralizer (soda) or soap suds and
rinse with plenty of water.
If acid has been drunk, immediately
consult a doctor!
7.0.3 In stal la tion in and re moval
• Prior to re mov ing the bat tery, switch off the en gine and all
elec tric con sum ers.
• When re mov ing the bat tery, first dis con nect the neg a tive ter -
mi nal (-), then dis con nect the pos i tive ter mi nal (+).
• Clean bat tery ter mi nal and ter mi nal clamps and treat them
with acid-free grease.
• Clamp bat tery tightly (use orig i nal fas ten ing).
• Only re move the pro tec tion cover from the pos i tive ter mi nal in
the ve hi cle when con nect ing the bat tery and place it on the
ter mi nal of the re placed bat tery in or der to avoid short-cir cuits
and spark cre ation.
• When in stall ing the bat tery, first con nect the pos i tive ter mi nal
(+), then con nect the neg a tive ter mi nal (-).
• As sure tight fit of the ter mi nal clamps.
• Take over ac ces so ries such as ter mi nal cov ers, el bow piece,
tube con nec tion, clos ing plugs and ter mi nal clamp hold ers
(where avail able) from the re placed bat tery and con nect them
the same way.
• Keep at least one de gas sing open ing un closed, oth er wise ex -
plo sion haz ard (this also con cerns the re turn trans port of the
old bat tery).
Warning note
Do not place batteries in direct sunlight
without protection (box becomes
Discharged batteries can freeze up
(freezing point of acid of fully charged
battery -70°C, at 50% state of charge
Hand in old batteries at a collection
The notes listed under point 1 are to be
followed during transport.
Never dispose of old batteries as
domestic waste!
Transport damaged batteries in
suitable containers (acid leakage).


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Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Aph 5030Aph 6020Aph 6530Aph 100-20

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