Pulse generation
Display the TRANSMISSION CONFIGURATION dialogue box:
Select the Pulse transmission function, then the range using the function and navigation keys.
Select the "Type of Output" Signal.
Enter the amplitude of the signal between 0 and 20 V.
Confirm with ENTER.
icon appears in the Transmission window.
To change the default parameters, press ENTER or enter the Configuration ... menu then Pulses ....
The parameters are:
Number: Number of pulses to be generated between 1 and 8,000,000.
Overall time: burst time in milliseconds (<10Hz) between 0.05 and 100 000 000 or in seconds (>10Hz) between
0.02 and 1 000 000
Cyclic ratio: cyclic ratio between 20 and 80 %
To commence pulse generation, press Start (F3).
Generation / Simulation or Measurement on Channel V2
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