Pencil Icon - This icon opens a comments window (must use external keyboard to
utilize comment section). Comments can be entered from any test screen, and it is
possible to review and edit comments from any test screen.
Pressing the Tone Test Type button prepares the GSI AudioStar Pro™ for pure tone air and
bone conduction testing from 125 – 20,000 Hz.
Use the Range menu to select the desired frequency range to be tested: Standard (125-
8,000 Hz), High (8,000- 20,000 Hz), or Full (125 – 20,000 Hz). Each selection on the blue
navigation menu is specific to Pure Tone Testing. Pressing this button will set the defaults
from the configuration application to start the test type. Auto Hz can be defined in the
Config App and automatically moves the next designated test frequency when "store" is
D-0131088 Rev C, 2022-07
GSI AudioStar Pro Instructions for Use
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