System Requirements
System Requirements
Compatibility of System Parts
Compatibilty of Components and Subsystems
MSA Lanyards are designed to be used with MSA approved components and connecting subsystems. Use
of MSA Lanyards with products made by others that are not approved in writing by MSA may adversely
affect the functional compatibility between system parts and the safety and reliability of the complete system.
Connecting subsystems must be suitable for use in the application (e.g. fall arrest or restraint). MSA
produces a complete line of connecting subsystems for each application. Contact MSA for further
information. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions supplied with the component or connecting subsystem
to determine suitability. For fall arrest applications using the lanyard, the maximum fall arrest force must not
exceed 1,800 LBF (8 kN). Contact MSA with any questions regarding compatibility of equipment used with
the lanyard.
Compatibility of Connectors
Connectors, such as D-Rings, snaphooks, and carabiners, must be rated at 5,000 LBF (22 kN) minimum
breaking strength. MSA connectors meet this requirement. Connecting hardware must be compatible in size,
shape, and strength. Non-compatible connectors may accidentally disengage ("rollout"). Always verify
compatibility of the connecting snaphook or carabiner with harness D-Ring or anchorage connector. Use only
self-closing, self-locking snaphooks and carabiners with the harness.
Use only self-closing, self-locking snaphooks and carabiners to reduce the possibility of rollout. Do not use
snaphooks or connectors that will not completely close when attached.
Do not tie knots in a lanyard.
Do not hook the lanyard to itself. (Exception: FP5K tie-back snaphook)
Do not connect snaphooks and carabiners to each other.
Do not connect two (2) snaphooks to one (1) D-ring.
Connect only snaphooks and carabiners with a minimum gate strength of 3600 lbf (16 kN) directly to a
horizontal lifeline.
DO NOT rely on feel or sound to verify proper snaphook engagement. Always check visually for proper
engagement. Ensure that gate and keeper are closed before use.
Failure to follow this warning can result in serious personal injury or death.
Anchorages and Anchorage Connectors
Personal fall arrest system anchorages and connectors must be capable of supporting a static load, applied
in each direction permitted by the system, of at least 5,000 lbf (22.2 kN).
MSA Lanyards User Instructions