When using rebar positioning lanyards, the user must be attached to an independent fall arrest system
Failure to follow this warning can result in serious personal injury or death.
Anchorage Connection
Tie-back Lanyard: connect the snaphook on the energy absorber to the back D-ring of the user's full body
harness. Be sure the snaphook's gate is completely closed and locked. The user then connects the
FP5K snaphook to the anchorage connector. Be sure the snaphook's gate is completely closed and locked.
Tie-Back Connection
Connect the snaphook on the energy absorber to the back D-ring of the user's full
Step 1:
body harness. Wrap the leg of the lanyard around a suitable anchorage.
Tie-back Lanyard: Connect the FP5K snaphook to the leg of the lanyard to create a
Step 2:
closed loop.
Floating D-ring: Connect the snaphook at the end of the leg to a floating D-Ring back
on the leg of the lanyard to create a closed loop.
Step 3:
Be sure the snaphook gate is completely closed, locked, and captures the leg of the
lanyard. Inspect anchorage to assure the tie-back loop on the leg of the lanyard cannot
be accidentally disengaged from the anchorage during use.
Fall Arrest Attachment Element (D-ring) Extender
An attachment element extender is not to be attached directly to an anchorage or anchorage connector for fall
arrest. An energy absorber must be used to limit maximum arrest forces to 1800 pounds (8 kN). The length of
the attachment element extender may affect free fall distances and free fall clearance calculations.
Failure to follow this warning can result in serious personal injury or death.
Pass hitchloop through back D-ring, then pull lanyard through hitchloop and pull taut. For fall arrest, always
attach other elements of a personal fall arrest system to the free D-ring at the end of the extender. Do not
attach anything to the harness back D-ring.
MSA Lanyards User Instructions