32. Apply epoxy to the slots in the elevator. Make sure the epoxy
gets into the slots for a good bond between the surfaces and
control horn.
33. Before the epoxy fully cures, remove the tape from around
the control horn. This will allow the epoxy to fl ow around the
control horn, creating a small fi llet between the control horn
and surface for a fi nished look and secure bond. Allow the
epoxy to fully cure before proceeding, then remove the screw
and nut from the control horn.
34. With the servo connected to the radio system, center the
elevator servo. Attach the linkage to the control horn using
the M3 x 12 button head screw and M3 lock nut. Adjust the
linkage to center the elevator. Once the linkage has been
adjusted, tighten the hardware using an M3 hex wrench and
5.5mm nut driver.
Do not over-tighten this screw as it
may result in excess friction.
35. Hinge the aileron using the same technique as the stabilizer.
Allow the epoxy to fully cure before proceeding.
Make sure to label aileron, rudder and flap surfaces before
removing them as it is possible to swap locations resulting
in the covering and control horn locations not aligning.
36. Center the aileron servo using the radio system. With the
servo output facing toward the leading edge of the wing,
place the servo arm on the servo perpendicular to the servo,
rotate the arm 1 spline toward the trailing edge of the wing,
then secure the arm to the servo using the hardware included
with the servo.
Due to the geometry of the partially enclosed pushrod,
the servo arms are not centered at 90 degrees as they
would be in a conventional external pushrod system.
37. Remove the cover for the aileron servo. Use a hobby knife
and #11 blade to remove the covering from the pushrod exit
on the bottom of the wing.
38. Place the servo in the mounts in the wing. Use the servo
cover to position the servo as close to the cover as possible,
without it contacting the cover.
39. Use a felt-tipped pen to mark the locations for the servo
mounting screws.