16. Place a T-pin in the center of each hinge. This will keep the
hinges centered when they are installed.
17. Fit the hinge in the hinge slot. Align the slot in the hinge with
the hole in the wing. Install the hinges for the aileron at this
time (and fl ap if using full span ailerons).
18. Fit the aileron into position on the hinges. Align the tip of the
aileron with the wing tip.
19. Remove the T-pins from the hinges and slide the aileron
tightly against the wing. Soak thin CA into each of the hinges,
both on the top and bottom of the hinge.
Do not use accelerator on the hinges. The CA must
be allowed to wick into the hinge to provide the best
bond between the hinge and surrounding wood.
20. Once the CA has fully cured, gently pull on the wing and
aileron to make sure the hinges are secure. Reapply CA to
any hinges that are not secure.
Tiger 30cc ARF
21. Break in the hinges by fl exing the control surface through its
range of motion in both directions.
22. Secure the hinges for the fl ap following the steps outlined
previously. Make sure the fl ap is centered between the wing
and aileron.
Place a piece of low-tack tape to hold the flap centered,
This will help when installing the linkages.
23. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade or side cutters to separate
the control horn backplate from the control horn.
24. Insert three M2 x 28 machine screws into the the control
horn, The screws then go into the holes in the control surface.