87. Attach the linkage to the gear door using the M3 x 12 button
head screw. Tighten the screw using a 2mm hex wrench. Use
the radio system to set the throw of the servo to open and
close the gear door.
It is essential that the servos are not over travelling and
loading the servos in either up or down positions. We advise
finding out where the mechanical stop is in the in the up and
down position and backing off the servo travel a few percent
in either position. A slight gap when closed, or less than a 90
degree angle when open, is better than damaging the servos.
Repeat this section to install the remaining
gear doors and servos.
OV-10 Bronco 30cc
88. Use small pliers to snap the e-clip in the groove for the gear
89. Slide a washer on the axle.
90. Apply a drop of light machine oil on the axle.
91. Check the opening in the wheel for any burrs and remove if
necessary. Slide the axle through the wheel. Slide the spacer
on the axle.
92. Fit the axle into the landing gear strut. Tighten the setscrew
using a 2mm hex wrench to secure the axle. Check that
the wheel can rotate freely. If not, determine the cause for
binding and correct before proceeding.
Check for a flat spot at the end of the axle. If
there is not one, then make one using a flat file.
Not having the flat will allow the setscrew will slip
and the axle/wheel falling out of the aircraft.
Prepare the remaining retract assembly for installation.