Servo Extensions
The OV-10 Bronco uses a large number of servos, and many servo extensions. Make sure to route these extensions
neatly, and label them at each connection to make assembly of the model at the fi eld go smoothly.
Radio Installation
This manual covers the installation for the receiver, receiver batteries and other components in the fuselage. The radio
can also be installed on the underside of the wing center section (photo shown in manual) to reduce the number of
extensions and connections when using gas engines. Feel free to mount these components in locations that best suit
your specifi c requirements.
EP Motors and ESCs
When installing the electric motor option, the ESC for each motor MUST be mounted near the battery. Long battery
leads will cause the ESC to operate incorrectly, or not at all. Keeping the battery-to-ESC leads as short as possible, and
using longer leads to the motors, is the correct installation for these components.
The OV-10 Bronco requires a large number of hinges when assembled. The model can be assembled using the
methods shown in the manual, hinging each surface as the model is assembled using 30-minute epoxy. The hinges
can also be installed at the beginning of the build procedure using Aero Tech Epoxy, 50ml (DLMAD64). This is a slow
cure adhesive that can be applied directly into each of the hinge pockets. Make sure to use low-tack tape to hold each
control surface in position until the adhesive has fully cured. Although the process is the same, it is recommended to
read through the manual regarding the hinging process before using the Aero Tech epoxy.
Control Surface Locations
When removing the control surfaces from the fi xed surfaces, we recommend removing only one surface at a time, then
hinging it before removing the next control surface. If planning on removing all the control surfaces, use low-tack tape
to mark them so they can be returned to their correct locations. The covering is not symmetrical, and the trim scheme
will not align if a control surface is in the incorrect location.
Retract Module and the Optional Landing Gear Doors
The retract module is designed to operate up to three retracts and up to three landing gear door servos. The OV-10
Bronco uses six landing gear door servos, which will overload the retract module. The landing gear doors are optional,
and if they are installed, a computer radio that has a gear door sequencer must be used to connect and operate the
landing gear door servos.
A switch must be used between the battery and retract module. When the radio system is turned on, the retracts must
remain off so they do not cycle. Failure to follow this procedure may result in the retracts beginning their retraction
cycle before the radio is connected, which can lead to damage of the air frame (and gear doors if fi tted).
When connecting the retracts to the module, it may be necessary to rotate the plug on one (or more) of the retract
leads 180-degrees so the red (positive) of the retract lead is aligned with the negative (-) on the module. Check the
operation of the retracts, and make this change if necessary. This will not damage the retract.
Servo Arms
The use of a metal servo arm for the elevator servo is highly recommended. This is optional and at the builders
discretion, but due to the large size and importance of the elevator, we advise a metal arm for this surface.
Overall Assembly
Note that much of the assembly must be completed twice (rudder, aileron, engine/motor, etc.). In the case of the fl aps,
this section will be completed four times before continuing. Make sure to plan ahead for time it will take to assemble
this model.
Separate the stabilizer and elevator. Remove the hinges and
set the stabilizer and elevator aside.
The hinges can also be installed using Aero Tech
Epoxy, 50ml (DLMAD64). This is a slow cure adhesive
applied directly into each of the hinge pockets. Make
sure to use low-tack tape to hold each control surface
in position until the adhesive has fully cured.
Do not mix any epoxy until instructed to do so.
Use the short hinges for the ailerons. The longer hinges
are used for the flaps due to the hinging technique used.
Apply a small amount of oil to the fl ex point of the hinge to
prevent epoxy from entering the hinge.
Insert the hinge so the center of the hinge point aligns with
the front edge of the bevel on the control surface. Check that
the hinge can move freely.
Position the hinge so it is perpendicular to the hinge line
when fully defl ected.
Mix 1/2 ounces (15mL) of 30-minute epoxy. Remove the
hinges, then use a toothpick to apply epoxy inside each of the
holes for the hinges.