EP Motor Installation
159. Remove the material from the bottom of the cowl to allow
cooling air through the cowling during fl ight.
Gas Engine Installation
160. Trim the cowling as necessary to fi t over the engine and
muffl er.
Repeat this section of the manual to
install the remaining cowling.
OV-10 Bronco 30cc
This manual covers the installation for the receiver, receiver
batteries and other components in the fuselage. The radio
can also be installed on the underside of the wing center
section (photo shown in manual) to reduce the number of
extensions and connections when operating your model
using gas engines. Feel free to mount these components
in locations that best suit your specific requirements.
161. Secure the receiver in the fuselage. Make sure to follow any
instructions included with the receiver for its installation
162. Mount the remote receivers in the fuselage. Make sure to
follow any instructions included with the receiver for their
installation requirements.