168. Locate the center wing cover and use a hobby knife with a
#11 blade to remove the covering to access the mounting bolt
169. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the covering
from the bolt locations in the wing center section. Make sure
to remove the covering from both the top and bottom for the
wing bolt holes.
170. Slide two M5 x 40 socket head cap screws into the cover,
then fi t the bolts into the holes in the wing center section.
171. Fit the wing center section to the fuselage. The bolt holes may
need to be enlarged slightly to align all the components. Once
aligned and tightened down, place low-tack tape around the
cover on the top of the wing.
172. Remove the wing and cover. Use a hobby knife with a new
#11 blade to remove the tape 3/16 inch (4.5mm) inside
the tape. Use care not to cut into the underlying wood. Use
30-minute epoxy on the wing where the structure of the
cover is located.
OV-10 Bronco 30cc
173. Apply 30-minute epoxy to the exposed wood on the cover.
Fit the cover and wing panel back on the fuselage. Slight
pressure may need to be applied to this part while the glue
cures to ensure the cover bonds to the center wing section.
Use of low-tack tape to hold the cover in position until the
epoxy fully cures is also recommended.
174. Plywood structures are located inside the fuselage for the
tailcone mounting screws. Use low-tack tape on the outside
of the fuselage as an indicator for these areas.
175. Fit the tailcone to the fuselage. The cone will align tightly
against the wing bolt cover. It will also be parallel to the rear
structure of the fuselage.
176. Use a drill and 1/16-inch (1.5mm) drill bit to drill the four
holes for the tail cone attachment screws.