2 Installing the Instrument
The noise specifications documented in the
using local sensing. However, voltage transients may be produced at the load by noise induced in the
leads or by load current transients acting on the inductance and resistance of the load lead. If it is
desirable to keep voltage transient levels to a minimum, place a high-voltage film capacitor, with an
approximate value of 10 microfarad per foot (30.5 cm) of load lead, right across the load.
Additional Load Considerations
Response Time with External Capacitor
When up-programming or down-programming the output voltage with an external load capacitor,
voltage response time may be longer than with purely resistive loads since the power supply may enter
constant current operating mode, which adds additional response time. By setting the proper voltage
slew rate when using an external capacitor, it may be possible to prevent mode crossover into constant
current. Use the following formula to estimate the additional programming response time:
Response Time =
(added output capacitor +Cx)X(change in Vout)
Internal capacitance C
RP7972A/ RP7982A
8.8 μF/ 13.2 μF
RP7973A/ RP7983A
2.2 μF/ 1.5 μF
Positive, Negative, and Floating Voltages
Either positive or negative voltages with respect to ground can be obtained from the output by
grounding (or "commoning") one of the output terminals. Always use two wires to connect the load to
the output regardless of where or how the system is grounded.
1 kV units can operate with any output terminal ±1 kVDC including output voltage from ground
1.5/2 kV units can operate with any output terminal ±2 kVDC including output voltage from ground
Keysight power supplies are optimized for grounding the negative output terminal.
Grounding the positive terminal may result in increased current measurement noise
and a reduction in current measurement accuracy.
Load Inductance Limitations
EQUIPMENT DAMAGE. The unit's internal voltage clamps may be thermally damaged
when the output is abruptly turned off at full load current if the lead inductance
exceeds the Maximum Load Inductance listed under
As a wire inductance reference point, a single pair of load leads typically yields between 500 nH to 1
μH per meter of paired length (round trip), depending on the gauge of wire, thickness of insulation, and
mechanical coupling of the leads. To attain greater lead lengths, wire inductance can be minimized by
paralleling additional bundled sets of load leads or using specialized low inductance wiring.
(current limit setting)–(load current)
Keysight RP7970 & RP7980 Series Operating and Service Guide
tables apply at the output terminals when
Internal capacitance C
5.9 μF