5 SCPI Programming Reference
INSTrument Subsystem
Instrument commands program the primary/secondary function of the instrument. Primary/secondary
operation is used when connecting a number of instruments in parallel to create a system with higher
total current and, hence, higher power.
In this document the terms "master" and "slave" have been replaced with "primary"
and "secondary." The previous firmware version INSTrument Subsystem command
syntax is still supported in this and later firmware versions.
INSTrument:GROup:FUNCtion PRIMary|SECondary|NONe
Set the function of an instrument in a primary/secondary configuration. This setting is saved in non-
volatile memory.
PRIMary - Configures the instrument as the primary unit in a primary/secondary group.
SECondary - Configures the instrument as a secondary unit in a primary/secondary group.
NONE - disables the primary/secondary function. The unit operates independently.
Configures the instrument as the primary INST:GRO:FUNC:PRIM
INSTrument:GROup:PRIMary:CONNect[:STATe] [,0|OFF|1|ON]
Instructs the primary unit to connect to the previously discovered secondary units. If the secondary
configuration on the bus matches the discovered one, the primary will start normal operation.
Otherwise the command will fail with an error, and all units will operate independently.
optional 0|OFF|1|ON
Connect the primary to the secondary units INST:GRO:PRIM:CONN
INSTrument:GROup:PRIMary:CONNect:DELay <value>|MIN|MAX
INSTrument:GROup:PRIMary:CONNect:DELay? [MIN|MAX]
Set the delay after power-on before the primary unit attempts to connect to secondary units. This only
applies if the connect mode is set to AUTO. This setting is saved in-volatile memory.
0 to 120 seconds
Configures the connection delay for 10 seconds INST:GRO:PRIM:CONN:DEL 10
Typical Return
Typical Return
0 or 1
Typical Return
Keysight RP7970 & RP7980 Series Operating and Service Guide