1 Quick Reference
:TOUTput 0|OFF|1|ON
[:AMPLitude] <value>
[:AMPLitude] <value>
:LEVel 0 | 1 | 2, <value>
:RANGe 0 | 1 | 2
[:AMPLitude] <value>
:LOW <value>
[:LEVel] <value>
[:LEVel] <value>
:DELay <value>
[:AMPLitude] <value>
[:IMMediate] <value>|INFinity
:MAXimum 0|OFF|1|ON
:ENABle <value>
:NTRansiton <value>
:PTRansiton <value>
Specifies whether a trigger out is generated when a transient step occurs.
Sets the output voltage when in voltage priority mode.
Sets the triggered output voltage.
Sets the compensation frequency.
Sets the voltage compensation range.
Sets the voltage limit when in current priority mode.
Sets the low-voltage limit.
Enables or disables the low-voltage limit.
Sets the transient mode.
Sets the over-voltage protection level.
Sets the low-voltage protection level.
Sets the low-voltage protection delay.
Enables or disables low-voltage protection.
Sets the output resistance level.
Enables or disables output resistance programming.
Sets the voltage slew rate.
Enables or disables the maximum slew rate override.
Queries the operation event register.
Queries the operation condition register.
Sets the operation enable register.
Sets the Negative transition filter.
Sets the Positive transition filter.
Presets all Enable, PTR, and NTR registers.
Keysight RP7970 & RP7980 Series Operating and Service Guide