The Red light flashes to indicate various trouble conditions outlined previously. If multiple trouble
conditions are present, the red LED flashes according to the highest priority trouble. For example,
if both a 3G4010CF/LE4010CF wireless network trouble (one flash) and a low battery trouble (two
flashes) are present; the red LED flashes one time. Once the 3G4010CF/LE4010CF wireless network
trouble condition is corrected, the red LED begins flashing two times to indicate the low battery
Table 12: General troubles
General troubles with your system
The control panel is displaying a
telephone line trouble condition
The control panel displays a
communication trouble condition
No signals are received at the central
station but no trouble condition is
Not receiving internal signals generated
directly from the 3G4010CF/LE4010CF
The phone line is seized when the
3G4010CF/LE4010CF is connected
Ensure T1 and R1 of the 3G4010CF/LE4010CF are
wired to the TIP and RING terminals of the control
If the 3G4010CF/LE4010CF is being used as the
primary communicator, the blue light will always be
If the 3G4010CF/LE4010CF red light is flashing, refer
to the troubleshooting chart in this guide.
Ensure the panel is programmed for Contact ID or
Ensure the control panel does not indicate a TLM
trouble condition.
If the 3G4010CF/LE4010CF red light is flashing, refer
to the troubleshooting chart in this guide.
Ensure the control panel has a central station phone
number programmed.
Ensure the control panel has the correct account
number programmed.
Verify the reporting codes are programmed or the
auto Contact ID/SIA option is enabled.
Ensure the control panel communicator is enabled.
Connect a handset to T1 and R1 of the 3G4010CF/
LE4010CF in monitor mode to verify the control panel
is trying to communicate.
Ensure the 3G4010CF/LE4010CF was initialized with
the correct account number. This can be checked by
logging into the C24 Communications website.
Ensure no trouble conditions are present.
Verify correct phone line wiring.
Ensure the Ringer Equivalency Number (REN) is not
being exceeded on the line.
3G4010CF / LE4010CF Installation manual