Installation: Connecting the air extraction
Illustration 4:
standard pneu-
matic connection
Service unit: air pressure setting and control
Setting the air pressure
Setting the air pressure is only necessary, if the displayed pressure on the
manometer is not between 7 and 8 bar.
The maintenance unit is connected to your compressed air supply.
M 1. Pull the knob on top of the service unit a little bit.
M 2. Set the pressure (turning the knob toward "+" increases the pres-
sure, turning the knob toward "–" decreases the pressure), until the
displayed value is at least 7 bar.
M 3. Push the knob down again.
The air pressure is set and cannot be changed inadvertently.
Connecting the air extraction
The vacuum cleaner you use has to be suitable for your application (M-class
filter for processing harmful material etc.).
Empty the dust bag of your air extraction regularly and replace the possi-
bly existing filter in regular intervals.
Read the manual of your air extraction carefully and follow the advice giv-
M 1. Plug the hose connection with the air extraction hose in the air ex-
traction connection at the side of the machine.
M 2. Connect the optional switching unit to the switching output at the
side of the machine (see Illustration 3 on page 19).
M 3. Connect the air extraction to the power supply respectively connect
it to the switching unit and connect the switching unit to the power
supply (see Illustration 5 on page 24) .
Original Instructions: S2 Impression
Document version: F – 07/2019
knob for pressure regulation
pneumatic connection to the
machine Ø 6 mm
water separator
discharging screw