Tool magazine and tool change
automatic tool change
tool magazine for 16 tools
automatic tool length measurement and tool breakage monitoring via
measuring key
diamond-coated tools can be used
compressed air monitoring for automatic tool change
Blank changer
automatic blank changer with blank magazine, gripper and carriage to
the working chamber
holding up to 8 blank frames in the blank magazine
safety contact at the blank magazine door
pneumatically operated carriage cover between the working chamber
and the blank changer
Manufacturing software
To calculate the milling paths you need to create a file in the STL format from
your CAD program. All important parameters for the respective material are
included in the software package DentalCAM. Operation with external CAM
programs is possible, if there is a post processor for the respective program.
If you want to use an external CAM software contact vhf to clarify, if there is
already a post processor for your CAM software or if a new post processor has
to be written for your program. The machine is controlled with the included
software DentalCNC.
For operating the manufacturing software, please refer to the corresponding
software manual.
Original Instructions: S2 Impression
General information: Manufacturing software
Document version: F – 07/2019