Connect the sense leads as close to the DUT as possible. Do NOT bundle the sense wire-pair together with the load
leads; keep the load wires and sense wires separate. The sense leads carry only a few milliamperes of current and
can be a lighter gauge than the load leads. However, any voltage drop in the sense leads can degrade the voltage
regulation of the instrument.
After turning the unit on, activate 4-wire remote voltage sensing.
– Power Supply mode: Press Source Settings > Sense 4w.
– Load mode: Press Load Settings > Sense 4w.
Open sense leads
The sense leads are part of the output's feedback path. Connect them in such a way so that they do not inadvertently
become open circuited. The instrument includes protection resistors that reduce the effect of open sense leads
during 4-wire-sensing. If the sense leads open during operation, the instrument returns to the local sensing mode,
with the voltage at the output terminals approximately 5% higher than the programmed value.
Over-voltage protection considerations
You must take into account any voltage drop in the load leads when setting the over-voltage trip point. This is
because the OVP circuit senses at the output terminals and not at the sense terminals. Due to the voltage drop in the
load leads, the voltage sensed by the OVP circuit could be lower than the voltage being regulated at the DUT.
Output noise considerations
Any noise picked up on the sense leads will appear at the output terminals and may adversely affect CV load
regulation. Twist the sense leads or use a ribbon cable to minimize the pickup of external noise. In extremely noisy
environments it may be necessary to shield the sense leads. Ground the shield at the instrument end only; do not use
the shield as one of the sensing conductors.
Keysight E36731A User's Guide