Before placing the electrode, make sure that the electrode is clean.
Reusable electrodes should be cleaned immediately after each use.
Position of Electrodes
Standard 12-lead
Limb electrodes should be placed on the upper part of the forearm wrist
joint and the ankle joint inside the calf (avoiding the bones), and the
electrodes should be placed in close contact with the skin.
R: right arm, L: left arm, N: right leg, F: left leg
The chest electrodes can be placed at the following positions:
C1: on the fourth intercostal space at right border of sternum.
C2: on the fourth intercostal space at left border of sternum.
C3: midway between the C2 and C4 electrode positions.
C4: on the fifth intercostal space at the left midclavicular line.
C5: on the left anterior axillary line, horizontal with the C4 electrode
C6: on the left midaxillary line, horizontal with the C4 electrode position.