16. Care and cleaning
• Use a dry, lint-free cloth to clean the product.
• Never use aggressive detergents, rubbing alcohol or other chemical solutions, as these could
damage the casing or cause the product to malfunction.
• Never point a garden hose or a high-pressure cleaner at the combination lock.
17. Disposal
Electronic devices are recyclable waste and must not be placed in household waste.
Always dispose of the product according to the relevant statutory regulations.
18. Technical data
Operating voltage ........................... 12 - 24 V/AC or 12 - 24 V/DC
Power consumption ........................ max. 78 mA (approx. 16 mA in standby)
Data retention during power failure Yes (visitor codes are automatically deleted for security
Keypad backlight ............................ Yes, blue
Code length .................................... 4 - 8 digits
Visitor codes ................................... 10 (valid for single use or a specified period)
Outputs ........................................... 2
Restrictions: In single-user mode (see section 13 for
details), the codes must be four digits long. In "Auto-entry"
mode (see section 12. m) for details), all codes must be
the same length.