Screw terminal 5 + 6 + 7 ("O/P 1"): Output #1
Output #1 is a potential-free relay contact (maximum load = 24 V/DC, 1 A). Connect the wires
to the corresponding terminal depending on whether you require an NC or NO contact (e.g. for
a door opener or alarm system).
When connecting a door opener, use the "NO" or "NC" connection depending on the type of
door opener.
• "Fail-secure" door openers:
Fail-secure door openers release the latch when the power supply delivers a voltage (stand-
ard door opener type for house doors). Use the "NO" connection for this type of door opener.
• "Fail-safe" door openers:
Fail-safe door openers release the latch when the power supply stops delivering a voltage
(non-standard door opener type, used for emergency exit doors so that the door opens in the
event of a power cut). Use the "NC" connection for this type of door opener.
If the door opener is powered by a direct voltage, the protective diode must be con-
nected in the vicinity of the door opener.
The door opener power supply should be connected to the centre contact ("COM"). The combi-
nation lock does not deliver a voltage to the door opener and output #1 is potential-free.
Output #1 can be used in toggle mode (the output is activated each time a code is entered) or
for a specified period (1 - 999 seconds).
Screw terminal 8 + 9 ("O/P 2"): Output #2
Output #2 is potential-free (relay, maximum load = 24 V/DC, 1 A) and switches between the NC
and NO contacts via a jumper (J).
Output #2 can be used in toggle mode (the output is activated each time a code is entered) or
for a specified period (1 - 999 seconds).
Output #2 can be used to arm/disarm a connected alarm system.