13. Single user mode
a) General information
The combination lock also features a single user mode. In this mode, only one user code can
be set for each output.
In addition, you can only set one visitor code and one code for the duress alarm.
If you do not require single user mode, ignore the instructions in this section and
proceed to section 14.
Please note the following when using this mode:
• The master code, user code and superuser code must be four digits long (0000 to 9999).
• Single user mode cannot be enabled if the existing master code is not four digits long.
• When you switch to single user mode, all user codes will be deleted and factory settings will
be automatically restored.
The master code will not be reset. Before switching to single user mode, check that the
master code is four digits long.
• "Auto entry" (see section 12. m) is automatically enabled in single user mode. The corre-
sponding output will be activated immediately when you enter the correct four-digit user code.
You do not need to press the
If you want to confirm each entry with the
section 12. m) for details).
• The other program settings (e.g. the activation time for outputs #1 and #2) are not affected
and can be configured as normal (see section 12).
button after entering the user code.
button, disable "Auto-entry" mode (see