Pos: 30 / 08 Ersatzteile/ Type nsc hild/ 08 Ty pe nsc hild / ! Vermiet ung PROBST -Geräte /08 Typenschild / ! Vermietung PROBST-Gerät en/ 08 Type nsc hild / Vermietung PROBS T-Geräte n/ 08 Ty pe nschil d / Vermietung PROBST -Geräte n (Pflicht-M odule) / 08 Ty pe nschil d / Vermiet ung PROBST- Geräte n (Pflicht-Modul) / Hinw eise zum Ty pe nschil d / Vermiet ung PROBST- Geräte n @ 0\mod480_2. doc @ 5901 @
10.10 Hints to the identification plate
Type, serial-number and production year are very important for the identification of your device. If you need
information to spare-parts, warranty or other specific details please refer to this information.
The maximum carrying capacity is the maximum load which can be handled with the device. Do not exceed this
carrying capacity.
If you use the device in combination with other lifting equipment (Crane, chain hoist, forklift truck, excavator)
consider the deadweight of the device.
Hints to the renting/leasing of PROBST devices
With every renting/leasing of PROBST devices the original operating instructions must be included
unconditionally (in deviation of the users country's language, the respective translations of the original operating
Dispositif utilisé pour le levage, le transport et le déplacement de dalles poreuses ainsi que de surfaces en béton granulaire exposées et autres surfaces similaires près du sol (97 pages)