2.4.7 What If...?
DISOMAT recognizes faults in operation and reports them in form of an event
message. If you come across such an event message, please read the explanations
given in manual BV-H2313, Chapter 'Event Messages'.
Never acknowledge event message before having remedied fault.
Certain obvious faults may be due to maloperation or mechanical scale faults.
If a fault occurs, follow these steps:
1. Check to see if you have followed the operating sequence.
2. Check for the presence of a mechanical fault. Check for unstable scale
performance, shunt forces, jammed gates / valves, etc.
3. If an event message is output, read troubleshooting table.
4. Check to see that all parameters (e.g. setpoint) are appropriate.
Event Messages On Large-Size Display
Event information is output on large-size display in form of a flashing number code
(event number), e.g.
0704 = Event number without indication of error code
= Attention Error
In our example, the event number is 0704; in manual BV-H2313, chapter 'Event
Messages', you find '0704:Out of Zeroing Range' complete with hints on remedy of
First remedy fault, then acknowledge event message on pendant.
BV-H2322 AA
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Scale Specific Control
Opus – Operating Instructions
© Schenck Process GmbH, Darmstadt