English Standard Operating Sequence
This item explains the regular operating activities, i.e.
Perform feed operation
Print weigh data.
For other regular activities, e.g. enter setpoint and string, see manual BV-H2313, Item
Feeding - With Automatic Taring Upon Feed Start
Feeding starts and normally continues until feeding is complete. Before start of
feeding (F3 key) , enter or check setpoint.
You can stop feeding at any time, restart and complete, or abort it.
Every weighing operation (aborted or complete) is balanced automatically.
If feeding is complete, a weighing report is printed.
Feeding - Without Automatic Taring Upon Feed Start
Feeding can also be performed without automatic taring. To do so, set function block
parameter Taring to No.
Weight value displayed is used as setpoint.
Exception: Partially Filled Hoppers
Drums are to be filled using a known tare weight. Drums still contain a residual
amount of material (e.g. 4 kg). To reach the defined setpoint (e.g. 50 kg), enter
known tare weight of drum in manual ('8:Enter Manual Tare') or select fixed tare
value ('7:Select Fixed Tare'), i.e. scales tares using this value. Upon start of
feeding, 46 kg are added to reach the defined setpoint (e.g. 50 kg).
This items reflects a typical operating sequence of a Filling Scale.
1. DISOMAT must be in
home position!
2. Select material type and
enter setpoint.
3. Start filling
Opus – Operating Instructions
© Schenck Process GmbH, Darmstadt
Display (e.g.)
Key(s); Comments
3.5 kg
3.5 kg
apr. 1sec.
Scale waits for no-motion and tares
Net T
0.0 kg
Scale is tared.
Filling continues automatically until
setpoint is reached.
Scale Specific Control
'MatSet' key
'Start' key
BV-H2322 AA
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